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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Mozart was a prodigy. He became a prolific and influential composer of the Classical Era. He was born in 1756 and was competent in playing on keyboard and violin by the age of 5. He also composed music and performed before European royalty by the same age.

At age 17, Mozart found employment as the court musician for the ruler of Salzburg. He had a great number of friends and admirers in Salzburg. Although Mozart had artistic successes in Salzburg, he grew restless and discontent which caused him to look elsewhere for work. One reason was the low salary that he was paid, but he also sought to compose operas and Salzburg did not provide many opportunities for this.

Mozart ended up travelling around Europe trying to make it as a freelance performer and composer but did not have much luck. Although a couple of his works did gain some success along the way. Mozart’s father urged him to return to Salzburg to work for Archbishop Colloredo, but Mozart was extremely hesitant about taking the position. Mozart and Colloredo would not get a long and Mozart sought to resign, but Colloredo refused. A month later, Colloredo would grant him permission to resign in a grossly insulting way via being literally kicked out by the Archbishop’s steward.

Mozart chose to stay in the capital where he was able to achieve fame, but little financial security. During his final years in Vienna, he composed many of his best-known symphonies, concertos, and operas. He was survived by his wife and two sons. Mozart composed over 600 works during his life, many acknowledged as pinnacles of symphonic, concertante, chamber, operatic, and choral music. He is among one of the most popular classical composers to this day and had a profound influence on Western art music. Ludwig van Beethoven composed his early works in the shadow of Mozart.

Mozart was a young soul that dreamed of bigger things. He never seemed content to settle for the way things were and continued to seek out what he desired. He was an honorable and influence man that is deserving of a star dedicated in his name. His works and influence will continue to affect music for years.

View or Dedicate a star near Mozart's Star at

Posted on June 8, 2015 by Ryan Hart




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