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Joanne “Jo” Rowling, aka J.K. Rowling

Best known as the author of the Harry Potter fantasy series. Her books have gained worldwide recognition and have won multiple awards. Harry Potter has become the best-selling book series in history and the film series that was spawned became the highest-grossing film series in history as well. There is a whole section in Orlando, Florida dedicated to bringing the world of Harry Potter to life.

Rowling has lived a true “rags to riches” life style. It was said that she began writing the Harry Potter series on bar napkins during the first novel. She had gone from surviving on state benefits to becoming a multi-millionaire in just five years. She has become known as one of the richest and most influential woman in Britain. She supports a number of charities and provides social, moral and political inspiration for her fans.

Rowling’s voice is still heard in modern times; often giving wise advice to her fans and the children that played the roles of her Harry Potter series. She has provided a great service to her fans through her stories and advice. We happily dedicate a star to this wonderful woman and hope fans continue to be inspired by her voice.

View or Dedicate a star near J.K. Rowling's Star at

Posted on June 8, 2015 by Ryan Hart




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